With Winter approaching worryingly fast, it’s important, now more than ever that you’re looking after your car. The last thing you need in the wind and the rain is to be stuck on the side of the road due to an avoidable issue.

Make sure you’re checking under your bonnet regularly

Proper maintenance starts with looking under your car bonnet, getting into the habit of this on a weekly basis can help you to learn what thigs should look like and therefore spot when things don’t look how they should be. If you’re not sure what you should be looking for then there are lots of videos and resources online that will help you when you’re getting started.

Topping up the fluids in your car and cleaning out the filters will help your car drive smoother and for longer. Things like your engine oil need to be checked weekly, with your car flat on the ground and not on an incline. Topping up your screen wash on a regular basis also means you won’t run out when you need it most.

Check your tyre pressure

Tyres are one of your cars most important safety features, this is why you need to be checking them on a weekly basis as well.

You can find out what your tyre pressure should be from your car manual or inside your petrol cap, and making sure you hit this when filling up your tyres. However you need to be aware that your tyre pressure may differ between the front and the back tyres. While you’re down there you should also keep an eye on your tread depth on your tyre, if it’s too worn down then you might need to invest in some new tyres to make sure your car is road worthy.

Make sure your car is serviced regularly

Keeping up to date with your car service and MOT will ensure your car is in tip top condition, as well as making sure your insurance is valid. GAP insurance could also be something you need to look into to make sure all your bases are covered.

Making sure to take your car to a reputable mechanic who can look over your car and spot anything you may have missed can help you to be as prepared as possible. It will also set your mind at ease if your car starts making a funny noise – don’t just turn the radio up!